Getting ready for a road trip with your dog? Whether heading out to see your family and friends or going on vacation, road trips can be a great experience for all. I’ve always had fond memories of road trips with my family. Although, perhaps that was because I wasn’t the one driving. When you decide to bring your dog with…

5 Heat safety tips for you and your dog
The summer is hot, so here’s 5 heat safety tips for you and your dog! There’s nothing quite like a bright sunny day to inspire you to get outside and enjoy the weather. Whether heading down to the beach, going for a hike or relaxing in the shade, there’s something for everyone to do when the sun’s out. While on…

Travelling without your dog: how to stop worrying about them when you’re away
Here’s how to cope with travelling without your dog Travelling without your dog is something you and all dog owners have to do at some point. While some are able bring their dogs everywhere, others choose to leave their dogs at home because of cost, convenience or because their dog would simply be happier staying at home. Whatever the reason…

7 Adorable Ways to Hug Your Dog – Show your pup some love!
Show your pup some love with a hug I don’t know about you, but I hug my dogs absolutely every day- I just can’t help it! If you have a dog who likes to be hugged, then this one’s for you. Here are 7 ways you can hug your dog: The front hug A classic! Sit at your pup’s level…

How to teach frisbee tricks to your dog: a beginner’s guide
Let the frisbee fun begin! I don’t know about you, but in my mind, frisbees and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly! If your dog likes to run and jump, then frisbees are the right toy for them. But, frisbee can be more than fetch. To help you mix up the frisbee game, here are some frisbee tricks…

Tips for a first time puppy owner
First time getting a puppy? Here’s some tips on how to prepare You’ve been waiting anxiously for this moment… and the time has finally come! You’re about to get your first puppy! Whether you’re getting them in 3 month’s time or in 2 weeks time, there are plenty of things you can do to prepare. Being a first time puppy…

How to choose the right vet for your dog
The right vet is out there! Whether you’re a new dog owner or are in the market for a new vet, the search for the right vet is not always easy. I myself have been to a few different vets with Isla before finding one we’re happy with. Throughout my experiences, I have made note of important factors when choosing…

5 indoor activities for your dog to keep you both busy
Don’t let the weather get you down! With the winter weather in full swing, some days can be a little too cold for our liking. If you have a short haired or smaller dog, you want to be especially careful in temperatures below freezing. On the days when it’s just too cold to be outside, here’s 5 indoor activities for…

New Year’s Resolution Goal Ideas for you and your dog
New Year, New Goals! Ahh…it’s that time of year again. The time of year where we reflect on the year that has passed. And when we resolve to achieve new goals for the year ahead. While you may have goals specific to you, there is no reason why you can’t find a way to include your dog in those goals…

How to host a Secret Santa for dogs
Secret Santa for dogs? What’s that all about? This year, my dogs participated in a Secret Santa with several other dogs through Facebook. A fellow Australian Shepherd owner set up the event and it was a blast! I would highly recommend it, and if you’re curious to learn more about hosting one, look no further. Here’s how you can host…