New Year, New Goals! Ahh…it’s that time of year again. The time of year where we reflect on the year that has passed. And when we resolve to achieve new goals for the year ahead. While you may have goals specific to you, there is no reason why you can’t find a way to include your dog in those goals…
Category: Nutrition

Fun Fall Leftovers for your Dog
Fall is a wonderful season for fresh fruits and veggies! Whether it’s butternut squash or Macintosh apples, what’s in season is very tasty. And with all of the delicious fall dishes you can make (pumpkin pie, butternut squash soup, apple crumble), you can’t help but feel a little sad when your pup watches you make foods that they can’t have. Despite…

Tips for feeding time in a multi-dog household
Dogs love their food! Feeding time is probably your dog’s favourite part of the day. The mere sound of crinkling food wrappers has been known to be heard by dogs from miles away. This is hardly surprising, considering how well dogs can pick up smells, as Alexandra Horowitz details in her book “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell,…